Hello readers.. Tomorrow's monday and another week to go before Raya eid Fitri starts.. wooooots..
At 8.30am this morning, the download for Dragon Nest Online Open Beta was completed. I was still asleep then so I installed it around 10.30am and start playing it around 10.45am. THE GAME IS AWESOME!!!
I've been searching for dotHACK style game for quite a long time now and this is the closest ever to the dotHack style. What? you guys don't know what dotHack is? go Google..

Anyways, I'm here to give my POV about this Dragon Nest Online.. So you who do not agree, please, keep it to yourself..
Since this is only at its OPEN BETA period, improvements may happen in the future..
Graphic ( 8/10 )
- Considering you need a good graphic card to play, this game gives kinda low satisfaction in graphic wise. The characters are quite well build. Environments are awesome, especially the how they did the forest and water.
Gameplay ( 10/10 )
- This is where this game owns. ITS GAMEPLAY. I just love its hack and slash system!! NO MORE CLICKING THE ENEMY!!
- Combos are non-stop, characters all have mad skills.. Totally Booming!!
- Items can be upgraded if u have the items and money.. No change there..
- One thing sucks is that no gender change.. So guys can only be warrior or cleric and girls can only be archer or magician.. Unless u are ok with playing different gender, this thing really bring the game down. Although it can be repetitive, that's just it with online games.
- In gaining exp, I'm not yet able to get much info about it. All I know is that u kill those things, the higher the dungeon level, the more exp u get.. some sort like that..
- Money are drop by the monsters, so the more monsters you kill, the more money you get.
- Also exp and money can be obtained by doing quests, the more quest... oh, you get the point.. =.=||
(image credited to mmo, photommosite.com)
for more info you can log in to: http://dn.cherrycredits.com/
Thats all for now..
Over and Out.. (b^_^)b
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